
Learning Style Questionnaire


The modality (learning channel preference) questionnaire reproduced here is by O’Brien (1985).  To complete, read each sentence carefully and consider if it applies to you.  On the line in front of each statement, indicate how often the sentence applies to you, according to the chart below.  Please respond to all questions.





Never applies to me.

Sometimes applies to me.

Often applies to me.





1.     _____I enjoy doodling and even my notes have lots of pictures and arrows in them.

2.     _____I remember something better if I write it down.

3.     _____I get lost or am late if someone tells me how to get to a new place, and I don’t write down the directions.

4.     _____When trying to remember someone’s telephone number, or something new like that, it helps me to get a picture of it in my mind.

5.     _____If I am taking a test, I can “see” the textbook page and where the answer is located.

6.     _____It helps me to look at the person while listening; it keeps me focused.

7.     _____Using flashcards helps me to retain material for tests.

8.     _____It’s hard for me to understand what a person is saying when there are people talking or music playing.

9.     _____It’s hard for me to understand a joke when someone tells me.

10.  _____It is better for me to get work done in a quiet place.






1.     _____ My written work doesn’t look neat to me.  My papers have crossed-out words and erasures.

2.     _____ It helps to use my finger as a pointer when reading to keep my place. 

3.     _____ Papers with very small print, blotchy dittos or poor copies are tough on me.

4.     _____ I understand how to do something if someone tells me, rather than having to read the same thing to myself.

5.     _____ I remember things that I hear, rather than things that I see or read.

6.     _____ Writing is tiring.  I press down too hard with my pen or pencil.

7.     _____ My eyes get tired fast, even though the eye doctor says that my eyes are ok.

8.     _____ When I read, I mix up words that look alike, such as “them” and “then,” “bad” and “dad.”

9.     _____ It’s hard for me to read other people’s handwriting.

10.  _____ If I had the choice to learn new information through a lecture or textbook, I would choose to hear it rather than read it. 





Continue with Section Three on the reverse side



1.     _____ I don’t like to read directions; I’d rather just start doing.

2.     _____ I learn best when I am shown how to do something, and I have the opportunity to do it.

3.     _____ Studying at a desk is not for me.

4.     _____ I tend to solve problems through a more trial-and-error approach, rather than from a step-by-step method.

5.     _____ Before I follow directions, it helps me to see someone else do it first.

6.     _____ I find myself needing frequent breaks while studying.

7.     _____ I am not skilled in giving verbal explanations or directions.

8.     _____ I do not become easily lost, even in strange surroundings.

9.     _____ I think better when I have the freedom to move around.

10.  _____ When I can’t think of a specific word, I’ll use my hands a lot and call something a “what-cha-ma-call-it” or a “thing-a-ma-jig.”






Now, add up the scores for each of the three sections and record below.  The maximum score in any section is 30 and the minimum score is 10.  Note the preference next to each section.


Section One score:     _____(Visual)

Section Two score:    ______(Auditory)

Section Three score:  ______(Kinesthetic)





The modality type with the highest score indicates your preferred learning channel. The higher the score, the stronger the preference.   If you have relatively high scores in two or more sections, you probably have more than one strength. If the scores in the sections are roughly equal, you probably do not have a preferred learning channel; you are a multi-sensory learner.


The following table summarizes the observable characteristic indicative of the three learning styles.  It provides an informal means of assessing your preferred approach to learning. 









Learns by seeing or watching demonstrations

Learns through verbal instructions from self or others.

Learns by doing and direct involvement.


Recognizes words by sight; relies on configurations of words.

Uses a phonics approach has auditory word attack skills. 

Often is a poor speller; writes words to determine if they “feel” right.


Likes description; sometimes stops  reading to stare into space and imagine scene; intense concentration.

Enjoys dialogue and plays; avoids lengthy descriptions; unaware of illustrations; moves lips or sub-vocalizes.

Prefers stories where action occurs early; fidgets while reading; not an avid reader.


Tends to be a good, particularly when young; spacing and size are good; appearance is important.

Has more difficulty learning in initial stages; tends to write lightly.

Good initially, but deteriorates when space becomes smaller; pushes harder on writing instrument.


Remember faces, but forgets names; writes things down; takes notes.

Remembers names, but forgets faces; remembers by auditory repetition.

Remembers best what was done, but not what was seen or talked about.


Vivid imagination; thinks in pictures; visualizes in detail.

Sub-vocalizes; imagines things in sounds; details are less important.

Imagery not important; images that do occur are accompanied by movement.



Unaware of sounds; distracted by movement.

Easily distracted by sounds.

Not attentive to visual or auditory presentation so may seem distracted.


Deliberate; plans in advance; organizes thoughts by writing them; lists problems.

Talks problems out; tries solutions verbally or sub-vocally; talks self through problems.

Attacks problem physically; impulsive; often selects solution involving greatest activity.


Stares or doodles; finds something.

Hums, talks to self, or talks to others.

Fidgets or finds reasons to move.


Looks around or examines structure.

Talks about situation; discusses pros and cons of what to do.

Tries things out; touches, feels or manipulates.

 Learning Style › academic-success › media › Learnin...

APA Citation: I could not get a citation for this resource when I clicked on it this downloaded right into a word document.

Description: I wanted to add a learning style questionnaire to my toolkit. I would like to use this in my classroom to get to know students learning styles and how they learn best. This way you can see each students learning styles and how to accommodate for their needs. Each learners strengths and weaknesses can be seen to.  

APA Citation All About Me Poster. (n.d.). Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

Description: An all about me poster is a way we can get to know our students and their family! I remember doing these when I was in elementary school and they were so much fun. Teachers can hang up students posters in the classroom for others to see and get to know each other more. 

Family tree on the classroom | Classroom family tree, Family tree project, Family  tree bulletin board

APA Citation: Family tree on the classroom: Classroom family tree, Family tree project, Family tree bulletin board. (n.d.). Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

Description: A family tree can be displayed in the classroom for all students to feel included and a part of the class. Both the teacher and students can make connections about students families and learn more about them. Family photos tell a lot about students backgrounds and culture. 

Icebreaker Activity Getting-to-Know-You Bingo

Getting-to-Know-You Bingo really gets students moving and learning about one another. Give each student a bingo card with different descriptive sentences in each square. Tell students to find a different individual that fits the description and have them write their name in that specific box. Once a student has collected a name in every box of their bingo card, they should call out, “Bingo!”

APA Citation Mcghee, S. (2015, August 04). 20 Great Icebreakers For The Classroom. Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

Description: This is an icebreaker bingo for students to walk around and meet new people to see what descriptions match the student. Icebreakers are a way that students can get to know each other and become comfortable with one another. This site also has other icebreaker activities to give teachers ideas about different activities they can use in their classroom. 


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